Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Thought For The Day To Help You Along the Way

Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Problems grow in the dark and become bigger and bigger, but when exposed to the light of truth, they shrink. So take off of your mask and stop pretending you're perfect and walk into your freedom! ~ Be Free yall ain't nothing like it! ~ Blessings

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Though For The Day To Help You Along The Way

Today, stand as monuments of God's grace, because if you are a believer, you bear an inscription written in God's own hand: "Within this earthen container, the One True God is at work." ~ Blessings

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thought For The Day To Help You Along The Way

God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you far too much to let you just stay stuck in your habits, hang-ups and hurts. He wants to change you. So He allows a crisis. Why? We don't change when we see the light; we change when we feel the heat. ~ Blessings

Monday, October 19, 2009

Though For The Day To Help You Along The Way

Life stuck in a rut? Could be that you need to stop blaming other people and admit, "I am the problem with my life." Until you understand this, there can be no major change in your life. This is the breakthrough God knows we need. The trut...h hurts, but the truth can set you free! ~ Blessings

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thought For The Day To Help You Along the Way

Today, let His light so shine through your actions that others might want to be drawn to His healing hope. After all, that's what we were created to do... to be the salt of the earth ~ Blessings

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thought For The Day To Help You Along The Way

Ladies say this today......

I know I am not defined by my circumstances, what I see in the mirror, or even what other people say about me. Let me rest in Your confidence as I acknowledge who You say I am, a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made. ~ Blessings

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thought For The Day To Help You Along The Way

Many of us think, "Once a failure, always a failure." But that’s simply not true. God's mercies--and our second chances--are fresh each morning ~ Blessings

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thought For The Day to Help You Along The Way

For all my ladies.....You're beautiful from head to toe, my dear love, beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless" (Song of Solomon 4:7b, MSG)...you don't have to dress provocatively or be a size 6....don't let anyone tell you otherwise ~ Blessings


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thought For The Day To Help You Along The Way

Scared? Uncertain? Doubtful? Depressed? Discouraged? Mourning? Fearful? Turn your fear into faith and call on Him...The very name of Jesus will defeat the devil and drive away fear ~ Blessings


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thought for The Day to Help You Along the Way

My Beautiful Sisters,

Today, use your ears, more than your mouth particularly if you and someone disagree. Be sympathetic...listen. "When my thoughts were bitter and my feelings were hurt, I was as stupid as an animal" (Psalm 73:21-22), you are not an animal, but are a child of the Most High ~ Blessings


Friday, September 18, 2009

I Love This Show!

Hi Ladies! Well the weekend is here and this weekend I will be snuggling up with my favorite show on HBO, the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency featuring one of my favorite artists Jill Scott. I don't have HBO at my home (I know I am ancient) but I have been able to catch a few episodes at my mom's and I fell in love with what I saw. This show is based off of Alexander McCall Smith's book series which I also put a stamp of approval on. I am so excited that the first season is now available on DVD. So hit up Netflix, Blockbuster or purchase it and enjoy!

Check out the trailer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Interesting Article on Marriage: Check it Out Ladies

Creating a Culture of Marriage

Michael Craven

Author, Speaker, Founding Director of the Center for Christ & Culture

There is much consternation over the state of marriage today. The institution itself has suffered serious social diminution—so much so that same-sex marriage appears inevitable. But the blame for this lies less with the culture at large than with the church in America. How so, you ask?

We seem to have forgotten an essential truth about the world and the nature of man. The world is fallen: all that was once good has been bent or broken, and something has gone seriously wrong. The nature of man is unremittingly inclined toward selfishness and sin and away from obedience to God. There are some who have, by God's grace, been saved from this condition, their old nature replaced with a new inclination to obedience and righteousness. Thus a war is raging in the world between the darkness and those who walk in the light of Christ.

Given these facts, the world will always drift in the direction of degradation and self-destruction. However, God in his mercy has come into the world to bring about the restoration of all things, calling men and women to repentance and the church serves as an instrument by which this redemptive work occurs. Where the church is faithful—to love the Lord their God and love their neighbors—there follows a power greater than that, which is in the world. The kingdom is made manifest and light pierces the darkness. Hope replaces despair, peace replaces turmoil, and freedom displaces oppression. Conversely, where the church is lackluster in its pursuit of the kingdom—indifferent to God and his purposes—the wicked rule and darkness will, for a time, subdue the light. Hope appears to vanish and disorder and oppression seem to reign everywhere.

Such is the case when it comes to marriage. How can the church expect the world to honor the marriage covenant when we do not? While I certainly believe that citizens of a free society should oppose all legal and public policy measures that undermine the biblical design for marriage and the family, these efforts will ultimately fail if the church does not collaterally create a culture of marriage. This "culture creation" occurs when the church demonstrates what life under the reign of God looks like—and under the reign of God, marriage is a sacred covenant, not to be broken. Furthermore, this demonstration of life lived under the loving rule of God is essential to our bearing witness to the gospel of the kingdom. Our lives, lived under the lordship of Christ, communicate to the world that there is a God who has acted in history and that this God is loving and merciful … but also that this God calls us to abandon our rebel ways and return to his lordship.

When we live in obedience to God, the church provides the moral gravity that orders the world under God's design. The church remains distinct from the world—and where it touches the world, there follows personal and social transformation. However, when the church abrogates this responsibility, the moral orbit of the society will naturally deteriorate. The church becomes indistinguishable from the world and the world begins to transform the church.

Beyond currently lacking the moral authority to preserve marriage, the church seems generally indifferent to the idea, especially when it comes to tampering with no-fault divorce. This past week I spoke with my friend, Kelly Shackelford of the Free Market Foundation about my desire to abolish no-fault divorce and the FMF's ongoing efforts to do the same in the Texas state legislature. Kelly, a respected attorney who has worked for years on this issue, told me, "So far, the biggest problem has been the apathy of the church on this. If they rose up, we could do this in one legislative session." The biggest problem is the apathy of the church! This sentiment is shared by many Christian activist organizations.

Do we not see the inherent sinfulness of this deplorable apathy and indifference to human suffering and injustice? Do we realize that it is our apathy that has contributed to the establishment of a system that operates in direct opposition to God's kingdom principles and commands? It is likely our apathy that seduced the church into its wanton participation with divorce on nearly the same scale and frequency as the unchurched.

We are the only force in the world possessing the true nature and understanding of marriage, and as such it is our responsibility to first demonstrate and then press this understanding into the world as we seek first the kingdom. In the absence of such an effort, the world will naturally descend into a self-centered approach to marriage, which by definition erodes the essential characteristic of true marriage.

I realize there are many in the church that have suffered divorce, perhaps even pursued divorce in defiance of biblical justification. I myself experienced a divorce many years ago while in my twenties. Fortunately, there were no children involved. I believe this divorce was very clearly allowed under the provisions of 1 Corinthians 7:15, which refers to an unbelieving spouse who seeks divorce. While most Christians would agree that divorce under these conditions is indeed permissible, some would argue that my remarriage was unjustified and therefore sinful. Suffice it to say, there is much debate on the issue. Regardless, we can repent and seek forgiveness from a grace-giving God and make every effort to sin no more.

What we cannot do is remain bound to our sinful past by reluctance to speak against unrighteousness because we were once unrighteous. We were all unrighteous until receiving grace and forgiveness! In fact, our past experience with sin can serve to bolster our opposition to the very same offense. Consider the case of John Newton, the former slave-ship captain, who despite once being an advocate and practitioner of this horrendous evil became, by God's amazing grace, a powerful voice for abolition.

The time has come for the church to take the Bible seriously, to become the creator of culture rather than its victim, and to establish as one of its priorities a culture of marriage within the church first. There is no shortcut to cultural transformation, no easy way. It is only from this hard-won beachhead that the church can then begin to shape our culture and its institutions in ways that honor marriage and exalt the supremacy of Christ!

© 2009 by S. Michael Craven

Monday, September 14, 2009

Superficial Faith?

Recently, someone very close to me confirmed that they were addicted to drugs and wanted help. I already knew in my gut that this was the case, but to have that person actually admit it openly was still just as painful as if I heard it for the first time. I prayed about the situation instantly, but I could not hear Jesus's voice. I felt so distant from Him. Not that I didn't believe that He was listening or that He wasn't concerned, I just could not connect with Him intimately and hear His voice guiding me through the situation at hand. So I muddled through the week with my faithometer on zero until my Pastor reminded me about the faith of the Greek woman in Mark 7. The New King James translation reads this:

24 From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden. 25 For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27 But Jesus said to her, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” 28 And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” 29 Then He said to her, “For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.” 30 And when she had come to her house, she found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying on the bed.That scripture blessed me so! It reminded me that when we intercede on behalf of others that I must:

1. That I must diligently search for Him. Even Jesus Christ seeked solitude (verse 24) but just as the woman sought Him out desperately I must do the same, for He could not be hidden (verse 24).

2. Don't deny the problem and acknowledge that unclean spirits are real. Addiction is polluting my loved one's spirit, but Jesus, Jehova Rapha, can cleanse.

3. That I must submit to Him through worship and praise and simply say I have a problem that I cannot solve. The scripture says that she fell at his feet (verse 25)

4. Pursue Him without ceasing. The Greek woman had insurmountable faith in Christ. She begged and pleading with Him until He healed her daughter. Jesus was pleased by her persistence and He healed her body! Praise God!

I love you my dear sisters, and if your faith is low, think on Mark 7:24-30 and remember the persistent faith of the Greek woman!

God bless,


Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11 ~ God Bless America

Reflect today and many lives lost and remember how we as a nation came together.

God Bless You All!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Talking Politics????

Ok, so I know that each of you is well aware of the current health care fiasco. You would have to be on some remote island in the middle of no where to not be, so I feel the need to put my little two cents in about this topic. I don't consider myself political at all and will not write on many political topics. I don't claim to be either Democratic, Independent or Republican. But I am a liberal minded voter, because God is liberal in the context that He gives us "free will" to even choose Him. I choose Him and I abide by His rules set forth in His living word. And let me tell you, I have a long way to go, hence the title of this blog! I wrote an article a while back and this is what I had to say.

How Can a Liberal Be a Christian?

As a Christian "liberal minded" voter, I think it is condescending to try to limit God to political ideology. God is sovereign and political beliefs, both liberal and conservative are diminutive and even incomparable to His decree. ChristianAnswers.net says His decrees include both those things ordained efficaciously and those that are ordained permissively. He transcends time and space and ordains every incident and individual both good and bad based on His most wise and holy counsel. To put it plainly, it is His prerogative. The ills of the world will and should break any Christian's heart, but a religious government will not solve these ills. Webster's dictionary defines politics as "the art or science of government," not the "religion of government." Conservatives have the absolute right to want to have God at the center and forefront of our government, in my perfect world, I want that for society too. However, because God himself gives us free will to choose, who are we to inflict our religious beliefs on the "immoral" fraction of America? Show me a Christian conservative that is without sin and let he or she cast the first stone. It is very hypocritical to equate one sin higher than the other. Sin is sin in the eyes of God and those who believe in Him know him as being the sole Judge. Conservatives, want to ban abortion and same-sex marriage (which by the way I do not agree with abortion or same-sex marriage because it does contradict the word of God), but if we keep it real we need to ban liars, adulterers, gossipers, the gluttonous and fornicators just to name a few of the other sins we commit conservatives and liberals alike. Obviously, this is out of our control and all of us would be locked up, but it is not out of the reach of God's infinitely vast clutch. When we try to do God's work, it can backfire and take society farther away from the sanctity of God.

So What Can A Liberal Christian do?

Senator Barack Obama recently unveiled his plan to partner with communities of faith. According to the Obama 08 campaign report, the Senator believes that our problems require an "all hands on deck" approach and that the government should enlist effective faith based and community groups to help solve them. He supports a White House office dedicated to a strong partnership between the White house and grassroots groups, both faith-based and secular. Christians can use this grassroots approach to minister out into the community beyond the walls of church edifices, to reach that young man or woman who may be struggling with homosexuality or lesbianism. To surround that fatherless boy with Christian mentors so that he may grow up to be successful. To encourage teenagers to abstain from sex. To help immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families become established in America, the land of immigrants. To ensure that the highly capable black woman graduate is not overlooked for a job because the color of her skin or gender. To talk to the pregnant woman about alternative options to abortion. To ensure that the richest country in the world acknowledges the importance that every one of its citizens has adequate healthcare. To offer assistance to the poor. After all we are servants and God has ordered us to go out and minister his word in love to all with compassion. The keyword here is "love," not by force with criticism as many conservative ideologies suggest that we do. Jesus Christ says in scripture, "That the only way to my Father is through me."

Even still the most important thing we have and need to do is to take personal responsibility for our actions. Morals and values are instilled in us as individuals. Our government should not be held responsible for that. The government’s sole purpose should be to maintain a peaceful society where every individual regardless of religion, gender, race, size or economic status is treated equally and fairly. For everything else in between I exhort Christians to turn to God. Conservatives should not attempt moral reform because the Holy Spirit according to Christian doctrine can only bring moral reform in individuals forth. One must first establish a personal relationship with the God we hold at the center of this debate.

Share your thoughts, but please don't bash me for mine if you disagree.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can't Get Enough Of These Two

These are throwback pics of my babies! Photos taken by yours truly.
I love black and white photos! So classic!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Power of A Praying MOM!

This morning both of my kids where excited about the 1st Day of School. There was no fight on my end to get them out of bed, dressed and fed on time. Both my son and daughter couldn't wait to put on their new clothes and new shoes and head out the door to their new second and fourth grade journeys. I, on the other hand, was reflecting on just how fast time really does fly. It seems like yesterday that I had babies. But the reality is, I no longer have babies, but two growing kids on the fast track to those teenage years. I have to admit, that I cringe at the thought of that sometimes. They will soon be craving more independence and I will not be able to keep that close and watchful eye that I have been able to do while they have been small. But life goes on, kids grow up and I have to cut the strings. With that said, I pray for my babies daily because we all know that the power of a praying mother is the best defense to any of the ememy's attacks on our children. Lauryn Hill in her song, "To Zion" sums it up best for me:

"Now let me pray to keep you from the perils that will surely come, because life for you my prince has just begun."

So I pray and I pray and I "pour out my heart like water in the presence of the Lord. I lift up my hands to him for the lives of my children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." (Lamentations 2:19) I trust that God will cover them and sheild them from all attacks from the enemy because the enemy is always prowling looking for ones to devour. So I stand guard through prayer just like the mom in Seattle, Washington who furiously beat a cougar who had her baby trapped in a death clutch of sharp teeth, until it let go. Stand guard moms and pray for your kids, because their is certainly power in a praying mom!


Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hi ladies,

I know it has been a while since I posted. I have been crazy busy, with school starting (proud PTA vice president) for my two precious babies, cheerleading, basketball, church and just plain ole' life. My time has been busy. But no worries, I will be back soon as I have been doing quite a bit of writing . New posts will began coming after the holiday! Trying not to be like Martha in the scripture below:

Luke 10:38-42

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Sometimes, especially us ladies, we all can be just like Martha. Let's not forget God in the midst of all our business.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

He Will Be A Shelter in The Storm

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending my church's annual picnic. The day was going along great. It was sunny, but not too hot. I was not sweating bullets like I usually do. The whole day I was thinking to myself, this is a great day for a picnic! As we were fellowshipping and enjoying great food, watching the kids play, and just all out having a wonderful time, there was a mighty rumble from the sky. Rain came pouring down instantly with force and everyone except my son and his pal raced under the shelter. The sun disappeared behind mighty storm clouds. Usually, I love the rain, when I am at home snuggled under my covers sleep, but on this particular day I was frustrated. The rain was ruining a perfectly good picnic! Later that evening when I got home, as I reflected on the day's activities, I thought, well although it rained we still had a shelter and truthfully, I didn't get wet that much at all! I thought about Jesus and how He covers us in the midst of the storm. While the rain was pouring down, I remained dry with the occasional splash that I brought on myself or that others brought in. And it made me think about life and when tough times come. I thank God for being my shelter in the midst of a storm. Yes, you may take some tough blows through the storm, but the blows are usually a result of you trying to fix your situation or you allowing someone else in to try and fix you, hence the occasionally splatters of rain I did feel that day. During the storm, just stand and let Him do what He does best. And then I thought about my son and his pal and how although it was raining they still embraced it. They were soaked, but they were so happy! I think of the verse in James 1:2, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials," just like my son and his pal did that day. My dear sisters, look for the lessons God gives us through everyday situations. I thank God for the lesson he gave me!

Friday, August 21, 2009

From Minister Rick Warren

My beautiful sisters in Christ. Don't ever feel like you have to be perfect to be used by God. He can use anyone!
I absolutely love this article by Minister Rick Warren! Enjoy and be blessed!

We Find Our Significance in Service

“Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body” (Romans 12:5 MSG).

You are going to give your life for something. What will it be—a career, a sport, a hobby, fame, wealth? None of these will have lasting significance. Service is the pathway to real significance. It is through ministry that we discover the meaning of our lives. The Bible says, “Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body” (Romans 12:5 MSG).

As we serve together in God’s family, our lives take on eternal importance. Paul said, “I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less . . . because of what you are a part of” (1 Corinthians 12:14a, 19 MSG).

God wants to use you to make a difference in his world. He wants to work through you. What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived.

If you’re not involved in any service or ministry, what excuse have you been using?

• Abraham was old,
• Jacob was insecure,
• Leah was unattractive,
• Joseph was abused,
• Moses stuttered,
• Gideon was poor,
• Samson was codependent,
• Rahab was immoral,
• David had an affair and all kinds of family problems,
• Elijah was suicidal,
• Jeremiah was depressed,
• Jonah was reluctant,
• Naomi was a widow,
• John the Baptist was eccentric to say the least,
• Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered,
• Martha worried a lot,
• The Samaritan woman had several failed marriages,
• Zacchaeus was unpopular,
• Thomas had doubts,
• Paul had poor health, and
• Timothy was timid.

That is quite a variety of misfits, but God used each of them in his service. He will use you, too, if you stop making excuses.

So my fabulous ladies, let Him USE YOU TODAY FOR HIS GLORY!
Peace & Blessings,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are You Having an Emotional Affair?

I am a happily married woman for almost ten years now. I love my husband and I am so thankful to have him in my life. That does not mean that being married has been easy. We were married really young and well, you know what the statistics say about couples who marry young. They don't last. Its no surprise that divorce rates in America are staggering. I owe the fact that we are still together and going strong all to God. If it were not for our individual relationships with Him, it is possible that we could have been just another statistic. I believe that we need to block any attempts by the enemy to gain a foothold in our marriages. One way I do that is by not having any secretive relationships with males that my husband is not involved with as well. There is no discussion with the opposite sex about my husband or the things that go on within our marriage. When you do that, I believe that this is an emotional affair. Emotional affairs are, in my opinion just as bad as physical affairs. The emotional connection between a husband and wife should be their own, sacred and private. Do you agree?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An Excerpt from My Upcoming Book: Redeeming Bashiri

“The seed of hate was planted in me when I was only eight,” Bashiri mumbled back to me avoiding eye contact. I could tell he was growing more and more frustrated with our therapy sessions. “Why do you feel that way Bashiri?” I asked attentively hoping that today was the day the breakthrough I had been praying for would occur. “I don’t want to talk about it white man!” Bashiri banged his fist so hard on my desk that the thump vibrated through my whole body. “Why are you here? What are you trying to prove? You have no idea the terrors I have seen in my life white man!” Bashiri looked at me with his dark piercing eyes. I prayed that he would not strike me. Somehow I managed to stay calm and responded, “I am sorry if I offended you in any way, I just want to help you. Look, why don’t we stop here for today and try again next week?” Bashiri grinned a devilish grin and left out of my humble office space not saying a word. I let out a big sigh of relief thanking God that Bashiri did not physically hurt me, but my joy quickly evaporated. I was frustrated with myself for failing once again to gain his confidence. I looked out of the window watching Bashiri’s every move. He walked with a cautious stride all the while constantly looking behind him as if he felt someone was pursuing him. I watched him until he vanished into a village hut. (copyright 2009 Nickia Johnson)

Let me know what you think?

Blessings NBJ

What's Love Got to Do With It?

Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do With It," is a familiar song to many. And I must admit that I am a Tina Turner fan. But, as I ponder over the lyrics.

Oh whats love got to do, got to do with it
What's love but a second hand emotion
What's love got to do, got to do with it
Who needs a heart
When a heart can be broken

I can't help but think, wow this contradicts what I believe and what the word of God teaches me. This is not the way Jesus wants us to feel about love. There is a verse in that song that I do agree with, the fact that love is a second hand emotion. The type of love that Ms. Turner is singing about in this song is "emotional love." The love that Jesus wants us to have for one another is an "action love." Now, I realize the context in which Ms. Turner wrote this song. Her marriage to Ike was painful to say the least and this song was a way for her to release the pain. I totally get that. What I mean by this is displaying love through your actions. You ask, "How do you do this?"

Wesley's notes to
I Corinthians 13:4 describes the action of love exceptionally well:

The love of God, and of our neighbour for God's sake, is patient toward, all men. It, suffers all the weakness, ignorance, errors, and infirmities of the children of God; all the malice and wickedness of the children of the world: and all this, not only for a time, but to the end. And in every step toward overcoming evil with good, it is kind, soft, mild, benign. It inspires the sufferer at once with the most amiable sweetness, and the most fervent and tender affection. Love acteth not rashly - Does not hastily condemn any one; never passes a severe sentence on a slight or sudden view of things. Nor does it ever act or behave in a violent, headstrong, or precipitate manner. Is not puffed up - Yea, humbles the soul to the dust.

So try to not get caught up in emotional love and withholding our love because of what someone has done to us. Love is an action and is displayed in how we treat one another. People will come in and out of your life and people will hurt you, especially those who are closest to you. But God tells us to LOVE in spite of. After all, God loves us not because we are so lovable, but because HE IS LOVE! Are you?

I Corinthians 13:2 (God's Word Translation)

I may have the gift to speak what God has revealed, and I may understand all mysteries and have all knowledge. I may even have enough faith to move mountains. But if I don't have love, I am nothing.

Love YOU!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New SpringWidget

Best Christian Websites

Researching on this section! Be back in a jiffy with some feedback.


Meet Me At The Table

This article by Sharon Sloan of Proverbs 31 Ministry blessed me so today! Enjoy

18 Aug 2009
Sharon Sloan, Proverbs 31 Ministry

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Psalm 23:5-6 (NIV)

For the past two summers we have rented a house at the Jersey shore from some friends. As I was packing for our beach vacation this summer, I silently prayed to the Lord and shared a wish with him. "Lord, I'd really like to have a special place to have my morning quiet time with You at the shore house this year. You know how I like to spread out a little for my quiet time and study time. Last summer at the shore, I used the kitchen table every day, which was dandy. Yet it would be w onderful to have a special little spot where I can spread my Bible, books and journals out, and not have to put everything away when I am done every morning. Just a little wish, Lord. Thanks."

When we arrived at the shore house, my husband Jim took the first of many heavy loads up to the house while I was organizing our children and gathering as many things in my mommy-octopus arms as I could carry. When Jim came back down he enthusiastically said, "Honey, there is a new little table in the family room that is perfect for morning quiet times." I had not even shared my prayer with Jim at that point, but he was excited about the table and knew it would be a perfect spot for devotions. Wow, Lord, thank you! I was so thankful to the Lord for remembering my prayer. The surprise addition of this furniture at the shore house was a treasured spot for me to meet with and seek the Lord each day.

A few days later, I called my sweet girlfriend who owns the house to see how she was feeling as she had been ill. Toward the end of our phone conversation, I told her, "By the way, we love the table you put in the living area of the house. It's perfect for morning quiet time with the Lord!"

"What table?" My friend asked.

"You know, the little table between the fire place and the front door. It's just perfect for devotions and studying."

"We didn't put a table there."

"Yes, you did."

"No, we didn't." She paused momentarily and then told me to hold on. Then she called to her tween daughter to inquire. Her daughter said "no," they didn't.

I took a picture of the table with my cell phone and texted it to my friend. Her reply: She had never seen the table before. She double-checked with her husband and a handful of people who have key access to their shore home. Nothing. Nobody knew about the table or how it got there.

But we knew.

God remembered my prayer.

The Master Carpenter prepared a table for me. He met me there. He encouraged and blessed my heart remarkably. He spoke His love and acceptance to my heart in a way I will always remember. He made my cup overflow. His goodness and love are following me, and I am so thankful and humbled. I prayed, saw His answer and responded with joyful thanks.

Before we left the shore house at the end of our week's vacation, I stood at the table with my hands on it. I prayed for all the people who had sat there before me and for those who will sit there in the future. I prayed they would meet with God there, that it would be a special place for them as well. I prayed also they would inquire of Him, be watchful for His answers and give Him joyous thanksgiving.

Ask Him to meet you. He will. The table is set. Join the Master Carpenter in conversations He has planned for your heart.

Dear Lord, I pray for a generous portion of You. Open my eyes that I may see Your detailed answers to my prayers. Give me a heart that wa tches in expectation of Your miracles and gives great thanks to You. May my heart's greatest desire be to meet with You daily. As the worship song says, 'May my life be one unbroken gaze, fixed upon the beauty of Your face.' Oh, Lord, may that be my life's passion! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, August 17, 2009

From Neil Anderson

This is a great article I came across by Neil Anderson. Enjoy


Colossians 2:15
He [Christ] disarmed the rulers and authorities [Christ] made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him

In Colossians 2:15, Paul identifies something very important that happened at the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. Not only were we made alive in Christ, but Satan was also disarmed and defeated. His defeat is not pending, nor is it future; it has already happened.

If Satan is already disarmed, why don't we experience more victory in our lives? In a word, the lie. Satan roams around like a hungry lion, looking and sounding ferocious. In reality his fangs have been removed and he has been declawed, but if he can deceive you into believing that he can chew you up and spit you out, he can control you, which is just what he wants to do. He is gumming Christians to death!

The very reason Christ conferred His authority on us was to demonstrate to the kingdom of darkness who is really in control in this world. In Ephesians Paul wrote that his call was "to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things; in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carries about in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Ephesians 3:9-11).

How are we doing at making Christ's victory known to "the rulers and authorities in heavenly places," which is God's eternal purpose? In many quarters, not very well. Some of us are still saying, "What rulers and authorities?" We're not sure that demons even exist. How are we ever going to get our job done in the world if we don't believe what God says about the kingdom of darkness? Others of us are cowering in the corner pleading, "O God, please help us! The devil is roaring at us!" And God responds, "I've done all I'm going to do. I defeated and disarmed Satan at the cross. I conferred all authority on you in Christ. Now open your eyes. Realize who you are and start demonstrating the authority you already possess."


In Your name, Lord, I will take an active stand against the devil and his demons, renouncing both apathy and fear.

Will A Man Rob God?

Blessings all,

I have to admit that tithing has been an area of struggle for me. Living in expensive Northern Virginia with two kids, a house payment, student loans and a stack of bills is financially overwhelming at times and is the thing that stresses me out the most. God has been dealing with me on this issue for quite some time now and has been speaking to me about tithing. His word in Malachi Chapter 3:10 says:

"Malachi 3:10. "Bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse, that there maybe meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

Now don't get me wrong, I do tithe, but I have a tendency to give God what is leftover after the bills are paid. I am diligently seeking God's help in helping me to reverse my "giving nature," pay Him first and see that He will open the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive. I always ask myself, why do I have difficulty with that? I believe God and I know that He is all powerful! And I believe in His word! I also know that if it were not for HIM I would not even have a job. But yet, I confess that I am hesitant to put total trust in Him in the area of finances. I have just begun to set aside my 10th each pay period and I am asking you to pray for me. This, my friends, is my work in progress.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christian Hypocrites

Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines a hypocrite as:

A person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion and a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or opinions.

I know I know some folks like that and I am sure you do too! They come a dime a dozen. I seldom listen to current hip-hop (no disrespect) these days because of the lack of inspiration and lyrical content like say from that of a Lauryn Hill, but I cannot help but admit that I absolutely love Jada Kiss's "Who's Real" track. If you haven't heard it it goes a little something like this:

"Who's real, who's fake? Those the type of people I hate! If you real and you know it clap your hands!"

You might be calling me a hypocrite right now because...YES I am a CHRISTIAN who does listen to a select bit of secular music.

Now, as a Christian woman, I don't hate anyone because it contradicts the gospel of Jesus Christ, but I can certainly hate the sin and not the person.

But if we are willing to be transparent, naked and unashamed before God (He already knows anyway) we can all admit that we have been guilty of hypocrisy at one point or another. I know I have been and my guess is you have been too.

When Jesus spoke of hypocrites in the bible he did so in a harsh tone. See Matthew 7:1-5 or Matthew 15:1-9. If we are supposed to live in His image, this is an area that we all need to check in ourselves on a regular basis.

Think about it!

Peace & Blessings,

Whenever you need to hear a word from God....Always start with His Word! Blessings!

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