Thursday, September 10, 2009

Talking Politics????

Ok, so I know that each of you is well aware of the current health care fiasco. You would have to be on some remote island in the middle of no where to not be, so I feel the need to put my little two cents in about this topic. I don't consider myself political at all and will not write on many political topics. I don't claim to be either Democratic, Independent or Republican. But I am a liberal minded voter, because God is liberal in the context that He gives us "free will" to even choose Him. I choose Him and I abide by His rules set forth in His living word. And let me tell you, I have a long way to go, hence the title of this blog! I wrote an article a while back and this is what I had to say.

How Can a Liberal Be a Christian?

As a Christian "liberal minded" voter, I think it is condescending to try to limit God to political ideology. God is sovereign and political beliefs, both liberal and conservative are diminutive and even incomparable to His decree. says His decrees include both those things ordained efficaciously and those that are ordained permissively. He transcends time and space and ordains every incident and individual both good and bad based on His most wise and holy counsel. To put it plainly, it is His prerogative. The ills of the world will and should break any Christian's heart, but a religious government will not solve these ills. Webster's dictionary defines politics as "the art or science of government," not the "religion of government." Conservatives have the absolute right to want to have God at the center and forefront of our government, in my perfect world, I want that for society too. However, because God himself gives us free will to choose, who are we to inflict our religious beliefs on the "immoral" fraction of America? Show me a Christian conservative that is without sin and let he or she cast the first stone. It is very hypocritical to equate one sin higher than the other. Sin is sin in the eyes of God and those who believe in Him know him as being the sole Judge. Conservatives, want to ban abortion and same-sex marriage (which by the way I do not agree with abortion or same-sex marriage because it does contradict the word of God), but if we keep it real we need to ban liars, adulterers, gossipers, the gluttonous and fornicators just to name a few of the other sins we commit conservatives and liberals alike. Obviously, this is out of our control and all of us would be locked up, but it is not out of the reach of God's infinitely vast clutch. When we try to do God's work, it can backfire and take society farther away from the sanctity of God.

So What Can A Liberal Christian do?

Senator Barack Obama recently unveiled his plan to partner with communities of faith. According to the Obama 08 campaign report, the Senator believes that our problems require an "all hands on deck" approach and that the government should enlist effective faith based and community groups to help solve them. He supports a White House office dedicated to a strong partnership between the White house and grassroots groups, both faith-based and secular. Christians can use this grassroots approach to minister out into the community beyond the walls of church edifices, to reach that young man or woman who may be struggling with homosexuality or lesbianism. To surround that fatherless boy with Christian mentors so that he may grow up to be successful. To encourage teenagers to abstain from sex. To help immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families become established in America, the land of immigrants. To ensure that the highly capable black woman graduate is not overlooked for a job because the color of her skin or gender. To talk to the pregnant woman about alternative options to abortion. To ensure that the richest country in the world acknowledges the importance that every one of its citizens has adequate healthcare. To offer assistance to the poor. After all we are servants and God has ordered us to go out and minister his word in love to all with compassion. The keyword here is "love," not by force with criticism as many conservative ideologies suggest that we do. Jesus Christ says in scripture, "That the only way to my Father is through me."

Even still the most important thing we have and need to do is to take personal responsibility for our actions. Morals and values are instilled in us as individuals. Our government should not be held responsible for that. The government’s sole purpose should be to maintain a peaceful society where every individual regardless of religion, gender, race, size or economic status is treated equally and fairly. For everything else in between I exhort Christians to turn to God. Conservatives should not attempt moral reform because the Holy Spirit according to Christian doctrine can only bring moral reform in individuals forth. One must first establish a personal relationship with the God we hold at the center of this debate.

Share your thoughts, but please don't bash me for mine if you disagree.


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