Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Power of A Praying MOM!

This morning both of my kids where excited about the 1st Day of School. There was no fight on my end to get them out of bed, dressed and fed on time. Both my son and daughter couldn't wait to put on their new clothes and new shoes and head out the door to their new second and fourth grade journeys. I, on the other hand, was reflecting on just how fast time really does fly. It seems like yesterday that I had babies. But the reality is, I no longer have babies, but two growing kids on the fast track to those teenage years. I have to admit, that I cringe at the thought of that sometimes. They will soon be craving more independence and I will not be able to keep that close and watchful eye that I have been able to do while they have been small. But life goes on, kids grow up and I have to cut the strings. With that said, I pray for my babies daily because we all know that the power of a praying mother is the best defense to any of the ememy's attacks on our children. Lauryn Hill in her song, "To Zion" sums it up best for me:

"Now let me pray to keep you from the perils that will surely come, because life for you my prince has just begun."

So I pray and I pray and I "pour out my heart like water in the presence of the Lord. I lift up my hands to him for the lives of my children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." (Lamentations 2:19) I trust that God will cover them and sheild them from all attacks from the enemy because the enemy is always prowling looking for ones to devour. So I stand guard through prayer just like the mom in Seattle, Washington who furiously beat a cougar who had her baby trapped in a death clutch of sharp teeth, until it let go. Stand guard moms and pray for your kids, because their is certainly power in a praying mom!


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